These are excerpt from my life experiences.

Friday, February 22, 2008

My Bouji"s Legacy after partition period

While sitting and going back to memory when our family was struggling for making both ends meet my beloved Bauji used to sit for meditation and used to utter Gyatri Mantras and Sandya daily in the morning and evening .He used to be very calm and to my Knowledge I had not found him enraged or tense.He used to say that if you had will nothing is impossible.He used to teach me the Sandya and Bhajans of Arya Samaj.Once he told us that If we wanted success then we should sit in meditation for some time and say," we will succeed, we will succeed ,we will succeed and God give me the courage" and told me that it will surely work and you would be suucessful. He was a practical man but very calm .Once it so happened that he was arguing to my eldest brother late Sohan Lal sethi who was very fast and wanted to be successful and wanted to start the business of printing Playing Cards Disagreeing to this idea My Bauji was of the opinon that we should not start this type of business as the playing cards was not good idea as this taught the public a sort of gambling and all the ills started from playing cards and it was a waste of time and it was the mother of all crimes.If you lost the game then it was ok but if you won then the other losing party would not allow you to go and some times the events took ugly situation and one cuold lose the life.He cited the example of Mahabharta and told that due to gambling a great war of Mahabhart was fought .Any way My brother started the business and named the firm English Playing Card company.Actually in those days Eagle Playing Company was on the top and we copied the same.So many playing cards were printed and we gave the sole selling agency to some Bawa glass company at Chandni Chawk .But as bad luck would have it the product was not sold in the market.Then the agen cy told us to give blanket to attract the customer and we were told that that playing cards had a great market in south India and we had despatched the product but the same was returned on some pretext or the other.When I was at Mainpuri UP I was requested to go Kanpur to collect the money from Mullaji of Kanpur .I went to his shop and contacted him but he atonce replied that the material could not be sold and returned the material.We were put to huge loss and at this point our Bauji felt very much tensed and repeatedly told my brother that we should earn money by some useful and noble work.Then all the blocks were removed and put in the house in our tyaji house .The blocks were kept under the bed and and then the bad luck started in that house also finally those blocks were burnt down as those blocks were bringing bad luck Our house at Bara Hindu Rao was used to be full of playing cards and Montoo was a small child he used to play with so many waste of playing cards.I still believe that the playing cards dont bring good luck It was at midnight when I was sleeping at my Factory at Bara Hindu Rao Delhi where all along my sides there were playing cards and blocks of playing cards were there and I felt that some body was pressing me so hard that I woke up and searched the factory but there was no body and I was all alone .Out of fear I immediately closed the factory and ran to my house which was located on the first floor opposite to our factory.From that day I had developed some sort of hatred of playing cards .But I dont hate the persons but I hate the this evil only.So we have great respect of Our Bauji and his legacy of truthfulness and sincerity and hatred of the bad deeds in our lives.He used to say that earning by good deeds would bring up our children and mould them a good citizens of soceity.He used to say that only good deeds would go with the soul and a person would get eternity. Such was legacy of our Bauji and I bow my head to that departed soul which is resting at the devine feet of Almighty God.


Sethi's Blog said...

I remember playing with the uncut blocks of those cards.
About how playing cards is a waste of time, i think mom should read it. Hope Mom's kitty party doesn't turn ugly where they are beating each other up :-)

Shashi Sethi said...

Dear Montoo
I expressed that playing cards is just a waste of time and energy.It was my Baujis thoughts and pious one. We had a flourishing business but ruined I don"t
know that earning through printing playing cards did not suit us. Hence he any how made a point to shun the busines of playing cards printing .Any way these are my memories.
with love to you.