Some time ago we received an invitation from Shri Y K Sethi (advocate )r/o 997sector .14 Fridabad to attend the marriage of his son on 11Th DEC,2010 and we were happily awaiting to attend this marriage.We arranged a driver and drove to the marriage venue at Surajkund.We started from Saket at 8pm and returned at 12 pm .At this occasion we met so many relatives and we also caught memories of past and I was astonished when I talked about my child hood memories of our cousin sister "s Krishna Sethi ''s daughter whose name in child hood was Nik and her sister"s name was Mik.Now Nik was standing in front of me and I was telling some story of Nik that her sister used to trick the class teacher by attending the class of Mik.Both the sisters face was used to be true carbon copy of each other .So the class teacher used to be confused.When I finished the story Mik told me that she is MIK and Nik has not come to attend the marriage.Now Nik has grown up and married and so must be Mik also.For some moment I was thinking that GOD is great and how great technical HE is that now body knows about His creations.I always bow my head and pray to GOD that all should enjoy the life to the fullest and always remember Him the Almighty for HIS blessings.We enjoyed the marriage party and returned with satisfied frame of mind.
These are excerpt from my life experiences.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Attending marriages in November 2010 ( Welfare)
Just to keep a record I attended the marriage of my oldest friend Mr Mahesh Satija"" s son Vineet Kumar on 12 th Nov 2010 at plot 7 sector 6 Dwarka New Delhi.It was a nice gathering and after showering good wishes we returned at about 11pm .We were quite happy to see the couple .We have seen Vaneet in the child hood when we were posted at Allahabad in year 1978 to 1982.I was astonished that Vaneet recognised us after decades.Similarly on 17 th instant we again attended the marriage of our beloved late JC Batra 's grand daughter Mathli and met Mrs Batra ""s family members like Rajneesh Batra,Jainender Batra and their children who are now striving for their careers .I met Pinki ( Mr J C Batra s doughier ,Babli and their children ) We had a memorable time to see the future generation.When we were at Allahabad I remember there was one child named Kitty as I asked her he told her name but I recognised her by childhood name.She is daughter of Satish Batra brother of Late JC Batra who retired from Dhanbad.All these gave us great joy and old acquaintances were renewed.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I am tempted to write that God Is really great.Once upon a time when we were facing the agony and hardships of partition in 1947 and running from lane to lane and hiding from the ruthless killings from some mindless disgruntled elements in Tobateksingh with convenience of Pakistani police and took shelter in Anaaj Ki mandi.Remained there for about 2 months and finally we were sent to India .Those were the days of horror and the memories went deep in our minds.I came to India along with my four sisters and mother and spent some time in Patiala camp.Later on due to some communications we found our brothers and father who were reported to at Kuruchhetra camp.Slowly we went on doing hard work and we were settled in India better than if we had been in Pakistan.It is a saying that Punjabi es are generally a hard working community and I am proud for the same.when ever we feel some need I don't know from where the Almighty sends the help and enshrines the path.Now at the age of 70 I feel that the past years are matter of days.Every day brings us hope for the better and we are grateful to God and will exist in this world if we act according to the wishes of God.I remember the recent incident when I was returning from J Block t o M Block Saket at 11 pm on Diwali night when a burning splinter came inside my new NANO car as the front window glass was open.As the polythene covers were not removed as yet so it caught fire .I took courage and extinguished the fire by my left hand and threw the burning splinter and polythene out side the car.For the moment I was in a fix but God has sent the courage.As NANO was new I was reluctant to remove the polythene covers from the seats so that it will look new.But one should always take precautions and should not wait for some mishap to happen.So God is Great is my firm belief.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Delhi Metro Train whether safe for ladies and children and senior citizens dated 17th and 18 th september 2010
It was my desire that I should have a ride on the newly introduced Metro Train.Recently I boarded the metro from Saket to New Delhi at 2.45 pm and reached the destination within 25 minutes .It was a marvellous experience of my life.As I entered the train I was standing and some young fellow gave me the seat but my wife remained standing during the journey.I had to sit as I was holding the bag and other necessary items.We went to Jhansi by Rajdhani and returned to New Delhi the next day by Shatabdi Express Train which reaches New Delhi station at 10.30pm.Having a excellent experience we dared to catch the metro train from new Delhi to Saket.This time the back journey was horrible .There was great rush at the ticket window and we were also having a company of our 6 year old grand son .Any how my wife requested at ticket window and she got 3 tickets.On getting the desired tickets we were happy but our happiness vanished when we saw the long queue at screening counter.At this time my wife requested one police personal to allow her for screening of luggage at the priority basis.But the persons in the queue started objecting but seeing the disability of my wife's right hand we were allowed.Now it was a time for the last train and we hardly reached then the train came and we could get in the last couch.This time were standing all the way.We heaved a sigh of relief on reaching Saket but the ordeals were not finished as soon we came out of the station at 11.3o pm there were no auto scooters and if any scooters came but they demanded the double the fare that it was Rs 40/for within Saket just from D Block to M Block but we had to pay just to avoid any displeasure with the auto scooter walla .So long awaited pleasure of journey by Metro train ended in the most inconvenient and tiresome.There is no doubt that metro train has reduced the time but due less trains and long queue at the ticket window and screening of luggage make it uncomfortable and inconvenient. Again on second occasion now I happened to travel by metro from Saket to New Delhi station along with my daughter and grand son to receive my grand son we was due to come from Ajmer by Shatabdi.We started from PVR Metro staion Malviya Nagar and just missed one train and boarded the next train .This time we purchased the smart card which is worth Rs 100/Actually in this card sum of Rs 50/ is by way of security .I inquired from the staff whether there is any discount for Senior Citizens which was replied in negative.Thus we boarded the train and there was great rush and we were in the train no doubt but were squeezed.There was a great problem while getting out of the train I myself and daughter and took a shelter near the corner and get out of railway station as almost the entry was blocked by the passengers who wanted to get in any how.This time nobody gave us any seat being senior citizen and we could get down safely .In this short journey we have noticed at all stations passengers enter only as such we felt as if we are just like herd of sheep s and pushed in the train just like journey to hell .As I noticed and learnt that this is scene in peak hours every day and commuters are used to it.Any way Govt should improve the frequency of trains and also should reserve one couch for senior citizens also as it has been done in case of ladies.Only then it will prove to be senior citizens friendly.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Attending marriage ceremony on 31 st October ,2010
On 29Th to 31 Oct 2010 we attended the marriage ceremonies of Justice Sh. P.K.Bhasin 's . son ( ROHIT with JASPriya )All the ceremonies were well organised and almost all relatives were present to grace the occasion The cocktail party followed by dance by the relatives of both the sides was a excellent scene.During these ceremonies we met the old relatives and thereby all the old memories were renewed.On 31October we attended the marriage ceremony in Gurdwara near Andheria Mor and lunch in F and M form house near Chattarpur and came to our house after the Doli at about 4 pm.On returning we were comparing this marriage with the yest er years and we think that it is the best.On 1st Nov 2010 at night we attended the reception which was hosted by the boys side .This was also excellent and after the party we also blessed the new couple and returned with satisfied frame of mind.It is true saying that marriages are arranged in heaven but performed on earth.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
condolence message regarding late sita Ram Sethi
On 24/10/2010 I received the sad news of our Sita Ram Sethi Bhaiya ji who expired in early hours and we rushed to attend the funeral at 5 pm at Faridabad.we paid our homage and again attended his kiray ceremony in sector 15 Gurudwara.He was a noble soul and huge gathering was a testimony to this fact.Ever since partition he had settled in Faridabad and by dint of hard labour he settled his sons and daughters in their respective families .In whole of his life he did a hard labour and will be remembered with due respect for decades together.We again pay our homage to his departed soul and pray to God that He should give peace to his noble soul and enough courage to his family members to bear this unbearable loss.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Common wealth games 2010 Delhi Closing ceremony on 14/10/2010
Ever since starting of games I remained glued to Tv and watching the performances of the participants and I was hopeful that India will won 100 medals and will remain 2nd.But at times it was breath taking scenes.After all when India was very badly needed one Gold medal and this desire was completed by Saina Nehwal .I r ather jumped from my .seat This memory of 101 medals will remain alive after decades.I am proud of my nation and thank God and the players and all the players and the management who has done a wonderful job.A day is not far when India will be a sports power nation.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Common wealth games 2010 in Delhi
As I have written at the start of the games that if we get together and face the difficulties as a nation we shall maintain a great lead in medal tally.We are proud that India has shown to the world that India will shine in all spheres not only in technology but in games as well.I congratulate the sports persons and the managements and the teams who are participating in the games. Well done.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Common wealth Games 2010 Delhi
Much has been said about games but in my opinion India has shown tremendous courage and enthusiasm and games have started with great pump and show.on the first day India has own 4 Madel's and may achieve success in other games also.We hope all the best .It is true saying that well begun is half done.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Welfare news
By the grace of Almighty God my brother "s son Pawan Kumar Sethi (Micky ) has been blessed with a daughter whose details are given below.My elder brother Sh D. V . Sethi has become Dadaji and Bharjaiji has become Dadiji.
Date of birth 22/9/2010 Time 5.51 am Wednesday
Hospital Sachdeva Nursing Home
Secror 5 N I T Faridabad (Haryana)
Name of our grand daughter is proposed and confirmed is Somya Sethi
We bless her with our good wishes.
We also convey our good wishes and blessings to our all near and dear ones.
Date of birth 22/9/2010 Time 5.51 am Wednesday
Hospital Sachdeva Nursing Home
Secror 5 N I T Faridabad (Haryana)
Name of our grand daughter is proposed and confirmed is Somya Sethi
We bless her with our good wishes.
We also convey our good wishes and blessings to our all near and dear ones.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Common Wealth Games 2010 and Queens Baten rally in Mahatma Hansraj ModrenShool on Shivpuri road Jhansi
On sept 18..2010 we started from Delhi and reached Jhansi at 8.30 pm.We stayed at Nath Ki Kothi Sovernight.It was our wonderful experience as we boarded train at 3,45 pm .On the train we heard that at the school is wonderful and now people around say that this school is one of the best school in Jhansi.The Queens bat0n was put up on the stage for the better view for the public I have also touched the Baton it was quite nice and we came back to Jhansi.Any way the arrangement was quite nice and we have enjoyed a lot and came back with satisfied frame of mind.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Common wealth games in Delhi
I have come across the sad story of common wealth games which are due in the month of Oct 2010 in Delhi.It is really sad to note that the things are getting out of hand due to the furry of nature.But still there is time and the things can be set right.It is no use to find faults and set up inquiries.As a matter of fact we should work as a team and technocrats or the nationalists should come forward to do shramdan to save the name of our country and its prestige which is at stake.Every citizen should put in some service in whatever capacity he is able to help the GOVT.People including some good companies and builders of international fame should donate their work force at this critical stage. If this is done I am hopeful that coming event will be a great success and there is no doubt about it.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
BSES Workshop on 3rd and 4 th Sept.2010
I have attended the workshop of BSES held in Multipurpose Hall in Delhi Sectariate near I T O fly over on 3rd Sept 2010.On this day the registration of RWAs was done .The officers of BSES had presented their achievements since taking over in year 2002 and enhancement in their services in tackling of problems of frequent power failures and reducing the power losses.There is nodoubt that there are less power breakdowns and situation is improved a lot.As a matter of fact the power supply depends on 1-GENCO ,2--Transmission 3 Distribution.There is a regulatory authority which manages and the company has fix tarrif as directions of regulatory .This BSES can take the profit up to 16 %.Some suggestions were made for further improvement and detailed discussions were held between BSES and RWAS office bearers .On 4 Th a presentation of earth worming or Global worming was quite informative and excellent.The session closed with vote of thanks and some prize distribution and test what we have learnt.I came back home with satisfactory frame of mind
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Engineers and their dignity
Today as I was walking and talking about Engineers and their dignity I remember that once Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru ji our first Prime Minister once said that the Engineers are the pillars our country and we are proud of them.As the country became independent so many developments have taken place and our country is due to become world power.On the contrary the general public is pointing fingers on engineers leaving apart their dedications towards their profession,This is the issue that our engineers should ponder as to why their image is being tarnished.We should take special care and should avoid greed and corrupt practice to fill our own pocket and we should adhere to specifications and improve the quality .Any way this is my endeavor that engineers should be seen with respectful eyes in our society.I am pained when some layman talks about the corruption among engineers.When any body says that if any one is engineer then he must have taken commission I feel pity on some of black sheep's who are bent upon to tarnish the image of engineers. As a matter of fact that corruption in all departments and all walks of life should be uprooted.This is my personnel view and in no way against any body or society or govt and I am expressing my heart felt agony and want that our society should respect our achievements and profession.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Idependence Day (15 /08/2010)
As the Independence day is yet to be celebrated we should take pledge that we shall preserve the honour of our mother land and shun away the jealousy , hatred and all the evils which are prevailing in our society and will promote the brotherhood among the communities.Corruption should be rooted out as this is the main evil which erodes the progress of any nation.This is my wish and I am feeling pride in spreading this message to the whole world.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Jhansi Ki Rani on Zee TV Serial dated 12/08/2010
As reported that Jhansi Ki Rani serial as dramatised may have some historical facts but showing to public in such a fashion is not in a good taste .It has revealed so many cruelties en lashed in the old days by the the then rulers of British Empire.The canning's of the Frangies and the torture scenes in the the serial will serve no purpose except spreading hatred among our people.The small child sitting by my side was inquiring so many unsolved questions which I did not answer as that will spoil his growth .As I requested earlier that now the TV serials should be censored and segregated in some categories such as Adult viewing and children or family viewing.We all know that had Jhansi Ki Rani succeeded we would have got independence about a century before 1947.I hope most of us agree that Britishers succeeded in dividing our people on the basis of caste and religion basis and they had ruled on us for decades .I have seen some of the incidents during partition and those sad memories haunt me whenever I sit and ponder on those sad events of past .
Friday, July 30, 2010
Happy birth day of Shashi Sethi on 30 th July 2010
A s I woke up in the morning I just forgot to wish a happy birth day to Shashi Sethi and at the same time a bell of telephone rang and I picked up the phone and I was just heard "",hello dad where is mummy and asked Shashi that Montoo wants to convey good wishes on her Birth day "".Shashi has also reciprocated the feelings of Montoo and the kids and kitty and conveyed thanks to them.Only then I realised that it was my mistake and conveyed sorry to Shashi.In the evening I along with my little friend Soni brought the cake and celebrated it with some of our PGS and took some of the snaps.This was a simple event but we enjoyed with a zeal and refreshed our old memories.On this occasion Anu and Gaurav and P N Anand ,Santosh ,Dolly Subhash and Ashish Anand conveyed their good and sincere wishes to Shashi.We are grateful to them.It is noted here that Ashish Anand s birth day is on 30 th July .We recollect that we celebrated the birth day of both Shashi and Ashish Anand when we were in Canada during our visit to Canada in year 2007
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Ragging in educational institutions
A few days back I have read in the newspaper that Govt is serious and has the intentions to get rid of menace of ragging and started taking affidavits from the students as well as from the parents that they will not take part in ragging of junior students.If the institutions and the students make up their mind then and then only we can heave a sigh of relief.After the court rulings no body should risk his whole career by indulging in ragging .Let us hope for the better and a day is not far when the freshers will feel a congenial environment in their colleges and will attend to their studies in a peaceful manner.I again recall how a sort of introduction of freshers was arranged by College authorities in year 1959 in Roorkee University.It was all official as I have narrated in my earlier blog.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Lost things regained partially
When I was making account of my life I am satisfied that some of the lost things are found.It is a good sign that not every thing is lost.I got my L I C claim although I have to try again and again.I also found a tenant and the financial position is easing but slowly.I shall win the case of Janakpuri also.I am loosing the hope of getting any claim for the money which has been stollen through ATM misuse.I am happy and enjoying a peaceful life with little kids and fellow aged friends who go on telling their happy and sorrow experiences of their lives.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Jaipur fire in I O C depot about 8 months back
On 3/7/10 when I was viewing the TV I noticed the news that GM along with 9 0officer s of IOC were arrested on the charge of negligence for the unfortunate of fire which took place about 8 months back in JAIPUR IOC DEPOT.On seeing this news I was shocked as I knew that Mr Sayal was on sanctioned leave due to his brothers son marriage and more over his father was bed ridden and he came to Delhi to attend his ailing father.On hearing the sad accident he rushed back to attend his duties .At the time of accident he was not at the site and in his absence some other officer was looking after his duties in addition to his own. It is also worth mentioning that father of Mr R Sayal died after the incident .We know that Mr Sayal is quite efficient and hardworking and most dedicated employee of IOC who keep a point in mind that work is worship. In IOC the duties of each manager are distributed and all the staff are accordingly are placed in different beats and sections and more over vigilance is kept round the clock .Even then the accidents do happen as accidents are unseen occurrences.In this particular case the fire broke and engulfed the vast area and some people and IOC were killed .The departmental inquiry is pending to ascertain the actual reason and the precautions thereof have been taken or not.When the inquiry is pending the action of arresting all the officers en block and putting behind bars is not justified in my personal knowledge.The charges are yet to be framed and in eyes of law no one is guilty unless it is proved beyond doubt.More over suspension of the servant is only imposed when it is proved in the departmental inquiry that the concerned servant will be ultimately dismissed.When the officers or the servant is cooperating to the inquiry officer or the police arresting en block the whole unit will not serve the purpose .On the other hand the Govt will pay the suspension allowance and will not take any work from the suspended employees .This matter is technical and only techno crates can solve the issue and inquiry should be done as per CCA rules.In my opinion speedy inquiry should be made by technical experts committee and report its findings to the Govt for taking suitable action accordingly.All the above suggestions are quite my personal views and not prejudice against any one and the Govt should also consider the quantum of compensation to the IOC persons.labour and the public at large who were killed due this devastating fire to heel the pain of the kith and kin and family members .I have much regard for IOC as this govt undertaking has changed our lives and helping India in fields of oils and petroleum products.In my opinion arresting and suspensions are not cure and on the other hand demoralises the morale of employees concerned.Our sympathies are with those who were killed or injured in that fire in I O C DEPOT AT JAIPURE
Thursday, June 17, 2010
12/24 Karol Bagh Sethi Niwas Zee TV serial
As I have already written some comments on this serial I again want to advice the writers and producers that the serial should be impartial and should not mention the particular caste.Names of the community should not be dramatised in such serials because it may hurt the feelings of particular caste or community as a whole.When I was studying in tenth class our English teacher used to teach us how to write a story as ...""Once upon a time there lived a priest in a village Nowherefound near a temple .......etc......"" The names of particular community may hurt feelings of people who belong to that community.By seeing such crime stories I recollect that there were some magazines namely satay katha or Maya etc which used to report actual cases of crime but dramatised in a bad fashion.
Such serials should be marked adult viewing .If they cannot change the plot or the story then it should adhere to some norms according to our culture and the producers of such serials should not show the crime scenes as these reflect badly on the children ,youth and the public at
large. Should I hope that the producers and the Govt shall pay some attention on this vital aspect? There should be some good moral of the story.
Such serials should be marked adult viewing .If they cannot change the plot or the story then it should adhere to some norms according to our culture and the producers of such serials should not show the crime scenes as these reflect badly on the children ,youth and the public at
large. Should I hope that the producers and the Govt shall pay some attention on this vital aspect? There should be some good moral of the story.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Helping for AIEEE admission in DCE
As I tried to study how to apply for DCE admission I have called Ishaan to my place and had a meeting with one student who is already in DCE and pursuing the B.Tech course.It was a useful meeting and the documents are to be prepared as per downloaded form and to be submitted in DCE by hand before 21 June and DD of Rs 750/is to be enclosed.regarding papers Attested copies of marks sheet and certificate and passport photos duly attested by Principal of the School last attended be needed.DCE is located on Bawana road and is near Rathala metro station /Rohini.As regards admission in Netha Subhash Institute of technology the DD of Rs1000/is to be submitted in the institute at Dwarka New Delhi and last date is 17/6/2010.All this is my little knowledge and the student should study the admission procedure and apply for counselling sincerely.This is the last chance to get admission in NI IT or DCE and other regional colleges.Those students who have good AIR ranks are lucky and will surely get admission in B. TECH courses .
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Helping Ishaan sayal for admission in DCE
! was over joyed when I heard the news that Ishaan Sayal has been selected in AIeee test and I congratulated him from the core of my heart .I guided him that he should attend all the counselling and mark attendances and he will surely get his admission in the college of his choice.this the last chance to get admission after I I T.He should have faith in GOD and be punctual.usually the counselling take longer time and he should stay up to the last.Those who help themselves GOD helps them.His rank is good and should have faith and confidence.As regards the civil stream the scope is good. Other streams are also good and it depends on the taste and the subject which is according to ones taste.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Result of 10 th class
I was sitting and waiting for the result of 10 Th class and monitoring it as regards the students who are being guided by my daugher as regards English language is concernd it also gives impetus and thrust to the growing wheel of progress and self esteem as well as that of Mahatma Hans Raj Modern School at Jhansi which is shinning by leaps and bound .I again congratulate the teachers and staff and all fraternity for providing the quality education to its students .My good wishes are with them .Congratulations----- well done.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Result of CBSE
As I was waiting for the result ob CBSE I was in the seventh heaven of delight when I got a call from my daughter that the students who were getting tuition from her in Delhi got up to 96% in the most difficult subject that is ENGLISH.Regarding her school in Jhansi where she and her faculty of Mahatma HANS RAJ MODERN School,Located at SHIVPURI ROAD the results are excellent. A day is not far when it will be considered as one of the best school.My all good wishes are with Gaurav Misra B Tech I T BHU S Tech I I T Delhi,Mrs Anu Misra M A (English and History) B ED (SPECIAL ENGLISH ), LINGUISTIC CONSULTANT ,Mr.NIRAJ Khatri B Tech I I T KANPUR founder Impact ,and visionaries Mr Manish Agarwal IPS B.Tech IIT KANPUR,MR NIKUNJ SRIVASTAV IAS B.Tech IIT KANPUR. Mr VIJAY SHUKLA B Tech IT BHU MBA XLRI and other IIT ians such as montoo B.Tech I T BHU S tech .IIT Delhi and all the staff of the school. Well done keep it up.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Tragic Air Plane crash at Manglore
As the sad news were aired that a tragic accident has occored when an Air India aeroplane crashed landing at airport of manglore air strip on the runway.This has resulted in about 148 dead and 8 could be saved and some bodies could not be identified.The investigation is on and the recue operation is in progress.On this tragic accident we pray to God that the families of the dead may get courage to bear this unbearable loss
Happy moments some snaps
Happy moments on wedding anniversary on 7 th March 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Rare photo of mine when I was young( 24years young)
Today is the auspicious day when I was just thinking about the sublime pleasure of family and when we become grand parents and enjoy the company of the kids and the bliss of God on the faces of the younger and the older ones at the same time and at the same platform of the world. They say that God is everywhere and it is blissfully resides in the younger ones because it is the real picture of God in them. Today I am just picking up the happy moments and some snapshots so that these may have deeper impressions in our mind. Today onwards I shall recollect only the happy moments of our lives and I shall share these with youngers and olders alike.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Amithabhs Birth Day (16 th May,2010) celebrations purpose Actual 22/05/2010

Here I am trying to put the pleasing memories of Amitabhs birth day on record as I have enjoyed a lot on this event .A day before we started collecting the invitation cards as Amithabh wanted to call his class mates on 16 Th May between 5.30 pm to 8.30pm.On the last day when he was going to class he was gleaming as if he is the king and was on the top of world .On seeing this site I was thinking how God gives so such innocent pleasures to kids and as we grow older and older this pleasures goes on diminishing.We enjoyed with him and this happy memory will last long in my life.God may give him long and happy life and such is our wish.Here I must mention that Amitabh is my grand son (my daughters son ) and is so dear to us.Group photos will surely keep us glued to him when we see those childhood memory
Friday, May 7, 2010
Bagidhari Meeting in DC (south office)
On 29/4/2010 I attended the meeting in D C South office and put up the problems of M Block Saket.Regarding which I have pointed out that there is one Tube well near J block market and is enough deep and it can be energised .The water will solve the problem of M block and as well as that of J block and amity school .The pump house of this Tube well and its boundary has been encroached upon but vendors and others.The nallah facing has not been cleaned and the jungle and bushes are growing and the slushy water remains near its roots and emanate the foul smell and this will result in breeding place for mosquitoes.the patch of nallah bed is not concreted.The internal drains of M block saket are open and MCD is not taking any action.These drains have become the dust bins and need repeatedly cleaning.If these drains are covered the wasteful expenditure will be saved.It is worth mentioning that the rainy season is near if not cleaned earlier the drains will not be able to take the load of rainy water and will overflow on roads.If this water remains on the internal colony roads will surely damage the road surface.
A few days later as I was returning to saket I saw black smoke in the sky and I out of anxiety rushed to that site and then I came to know that this smoke was due to the fact that MCD people had set the bushes on fire in the nallah.This way of cleaning the bushes is very much dangerous as there are so many residential buildings are located around this Nallah.Any splinter can give rise to huge fire resulting in loss of lives and properties.Burning of bushes is also effects badly on environment.I think that the authorities should wake up and do the needful lest it is too late.There should be traffic lights near the T junction at MCD dhalao opp site the Amity Gate and the school authories should be asked to park their vehicles inside their compound wall and alternatively should make underground parking.At present there is so much chaos at this point that no body including senior citizens and children can cross the road without being injured.More over the Amity buses and others car owners cover the almost full width of road leaving less space for pedestrians to walk safely.As a matter of fact this stretch should be made no parking zone as a permanent solution.
A few days later as I was returning to saket I saw black smoke in the sky and I out of anxiety rushed to that site and then I came to know that this smoke was due to the fact that MCD people had set the bushes on fire in the nallah.This way of cleaning the bushes is very much dangerous as there are so many residential buildings are located around this Nallah.Any splinter can give rise to huge fire resulting in loss of lives and properties.Burning of bushes is also effects badly on environment.I think that the authorities should wake up and do the needful lest it is too late.There should be traffic lights near the T junction at MCD dhalao opp site the Amity Gate and the school authories should be asked to park their vehicles inside their compound wall and alternatively should make underground parking.At present there is so much chaos at this point that no body including senior citizens and children can cross the road without being injured.More over the Amity buses and others car owners cover the almost full width of road leaving less space for pedestrians to walk safely.As a matter of fact this stretch should be made no parking zone as a permanent solution.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Tehraveen of chander Anand a noble soul
As detailed the instances the finally we attended Tehrveen of chander anand in Temple of Janakpuri and were astonished to find that so many relatives gathered there in the temple to share the grief of the great loss with the family members .This shows that members of our community are united at time of grief.I respect these good points of our culture.Any way our beloved chander"s noble soul must have found place under the Divine Feet of Almighty God.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Annual day at Amity International school Saket New Delhi
On Saturday (17 Th April 2010) at 6.15 pm I attended the annual day celebrations and it was good and excellent .His Excellency ambassador of Republic of NAMIBIA attended the function and distributed the prizes.The programme of Dare To dream was a excellent depiction of history of Rome.His Excellency showed keen interest and stressed for need of education.Dr Chauhan has stressed that our culture is the best and when a student touches the feet of teacher or elders he gets the good wishes fro the elders or the teachers as ashirwad.He narrated the short story of one person who used to worship God but at one instance he was so fed up with the problems of life and decided to suicide and started walking towards sea where there was a vast stretch of sand as he reached near the sea shore he found that the track behind were of 4 steps while it should had been 2.Then we was astonished to find who was following him.So the God appeared and told him that God gives shelter to those who remember HIM whole heartedly.So have faith on HIM THE ALMIGHTY GOD and success is gran teed if you work hard to achieve you goal.Now I again stress that ,MAHNET KARO AZIZO MAHENAT SE KAAM HOGA .KAHETE HAIN JISE WAQT AA KAR GULAM HOGA.Amity students out shined in all walks of life and it is the hard work of students and staff and teachers.I returned from the function with happy note.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Funeral of chander Anand on 17/4/2010
In continuity I am rushing to Punjabi Bagh Sham Shan Bhumi to attend the sanskar of our beloved Sh Chander as the timing of sanskar is 1pm today.
Another loss on dated 16 th April 2010
As I was struggling to know how the life after 70 to be.? I have been counting the losses I was shocked to hear the sad news that chander anand who met with a fatal accident a few days ago succumbed to the injuries and breathed his lost at 1 pm today.This is a painful when I count the old memories and think how jolly he was.Any way I am in tears and the whole day was spent in tears which I cannot show.We all pray to God that all the family members may get enough courage to bear this unbearable loss.May THE GOD give this pious soul a place in HIS Devinne feet.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
LIC Claim
As I attended the bank to just to inquire about that whether my LIC claim has been credited in my wife s a/c but shocked to know that the signatures on the cheque of LIC signatory are not on record and the bank at Meerut will reply and then there are chances that the amount will be credited .Still the money lost in ATMS is not recovered .I am waiting that some thing good may turn up. God help me.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Happy moments

After hectic efforts I got the Lic claim and the house First floor has been put on rent and the process of registration is on.Similarly Sarita Vihar has been vacated and got the keys.But still uneasy lies till the money lost through ATM card is recovered or the person who has done is traced through footage is revealed.
I have uploaded the above images just to show that sometimes there are happy moments and sometimes just the reverse,but as the time passes away God is always with the rightful and sincere persons.Regarding some petty losses one is temporarily shaken but in the end God always gives courage to the persons who is right.Similarly I have noticed that the person who has taken my ATM but due to his guilt feeling he never comes to our house because his soul must have jolted him.So it is a good testament that one should remain poise in one's thoughts and do the rightful things in one's life.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Pakistani Jaurnalist has written some detailed analysis about Ambanis
Dear all,Whats the world thinks about us...INDIANS!!!
Written by a Pakistani journalist about India [MUST READ]
Capital suggestion
By Dr Farrukh Saleem
Here's what is happening in India:
The two Ambani brothers can buy 100 percent of every company listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) and would still be left with $30 billion to spare. The four richest Indians can buy up all goods and services produced over a year by 169 million Pakistanis and still be left with $60 billion to spare. The four richest Indians are now richer than the forty richest Chinese.
In November, Bombay Stock Exchange's benchmark Sensex flirted with 20,000 points. As a consequence, Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Industries became a $100 billion company (the entire KSE is capitalized at $65 billion). Mukesh owns 48 percent of Reliance.
In November, comes Neeta's birthday. Neeta turned forty-four three weeks ago. Look what she got from her husband as her birthday present:
A sixty-million dollar jet with a custom fitted master bedroom, bathroom with mood lighting, a sky bar, entertainment cabins, satellite television, wireless communication and a separate cabin with game consoles. Neeta is Mukesh Ambani's wife, and Mukesh is not India 's richest but the second richest.
Mukesh is now building his new home, Residence Antillia (after a mythical, phantom island somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean ). At a cost of $1 billion this would be the most expensive home on the face of the planet.. At 173 meters tall Mukesh's new family residence, for a family of six, will be the equivalent of a 60-storeyed building. The first six floors are reserved for parking. The seventh floor is for car servicing and maintenance. The eighth floor houses a mini-theatre. Then there's a health club, a gym and a swimming pool. Two floors are reserved for Ambani family's guests. Four floors above the guest floors are family floors all with a superb view of the Arabian Sea
On top of everything are three helipads. A staff of 600 is expected to care for the family and their family home.
In 2004, India became the 3rd most attractive foreign direct investment destination. Pakistan wasn't even in the top 25 countries.
In 2004, the United Nations, the representative body of 192 sovereign member states, had requested the Election Commission of India to assist the UN in the holding elections in Al Jumhuriyah al Iraqiyah and Dowlat-e Eslami-ye Afghanestan. Why the Election Commission of India and not the Election Commission of Pakistan? After all, Islamabad is closer to Kabul than is Delhi .
Imagine, 12 percent of all American scientists are of Indian origin; 38 percent of doctors in America are Indian; 36 percent of NASA scientists are Indians; 34 percent of Microsoft employees are Indians; and 28 percent of IBM employees are Indians.
For the record: Sabeer Bhatia created and founded Hotmail. Sun Microsystems was founded by Vinod Khosla. The Intel Pentium processor, that runs 90 percent of all computers, was fathered by Vinod Dham. Rajiv Gupta co-invented Hewlett Packard's E-speak project. Four out often Silicon Valley start-ups are run by Indians. Bollywood produces 800 movies per year and six Indian ladies have won Miss Universe/Miss World titles over the past 10 years.
For the record: Azim Premji, the richest Muslim entrepreneur on the face of the planet, was born in Bombay and now lives in Bangalore.India now has more than three dozen billionaires; Pakistan has none (not a single dollar billionaire) .
The other amazing aspect is the rapid pace at which India is creating wealth. In 2002, Dhirubhai Ambani, Mukesh and Anil Ambani's father, left his two sons a fortune worth $2.8 billion. In 2007, their combined wealth stood at $94 billion. On 29 October 2007, as a result of the stock market rally and the appreciation of the Indian rupee, Mukesh became the richest person in the world, with net worth climbing to US$63.2 billion (Bill Gates, the richest American, stands at around $56 billion).
Indians and Pakistanis have the same Y-chromosome haplogroup. We have the same genetic sequence and the same genetic marker (namely: M124).
We have the same DNA molecule, the same DNA sequence. Our culture, our traditions and our cuisine are all the same. We watch the same movies and sing the same songs. What is it that Indians have and we don't?
And also to mention: They think of Construction of own nation, unlike nations who r just concerned with destruction of others...
Written by a Pakistani journalist about India [MUST READ]
Capital suggestion
By Dr Farrukh Saleem
Here's what is happening in India:
The two Ambani brothers can buy 100 percent of every company listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) and would still be left with $30 billion to spare. The four richest Indians can buy up all goods and services produced over a year by 169 million Pakistanis and still be left with $60 billion to spare. The four richest Indians are now richer than the forty richest Chinese.
In November, Bombay Stock Exchange's benchmark Sensex flirted with 20,000 points. As a consequence, Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Industries became a $100 billion company (the entire KSE is capitalized at $65 billion). Mukesh owns 48 percent of Reliance.
In November, comes Neeta's birthday. Neeta turned forty-four three weeks ago. Look what she got from her husband as her birthday present:
A sixty-million dollar jet with a custom fitted master bedroom, bathroom with mood lighting, a sky bar, entertainment cabins, satellite television, wireless communication and a separate cabin with game consoles. Neeta is Mukesh Ambani's wife, and Mukesh is not India 's richest but the second richest.
Mukesh is now building his new home, Residence Antillia (after a mythical, phantom island somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean ). At a cost of $1 billion this would be the most expensive home on the face of the planet.. At 173 meters tall Mukesh's new family residence, for a family of six, will be the equivalent of a 60-storeyed building. The first six floors are reserved for parking. The seventh floor is for car servicing and maintenance. The eighth floor houses a mini-theatre. Then there's a health club, a gym and a swimming pool. Two floors are reserved for Ambani family's guests. Four floors above the guest floors are family floors all with a superb view of the Arabian Sea
On top of everything are three helipads. A staff of 600 is expected to care for the family and their family home.
In 2004, India became the 3rd most attractive foreign direct investment destination. Pakistan wasn't even in the top 25 countries.
In 2004, the United Nations, the representative body of 192 sovereign member states, had requested the Election Commission of India to assist the UN in the holding elections in Al Jumhuriyah al Iraqiyah and Dowlat-e Eslami-ye Afghanestan. Why the Election Commission of India and not the Election Commission of Pakistan? After all, Islamabad is closer to Kabul than is Delhi .
Imagine, 12 percent of all American scientists are of Indian origin; 38 percent of doctors in America are Indian; 36 percent of NASA scientists are Indians; 34 percent of Microsoft employees are Indians; and 28 percent of IBM employees are Indians.
For the record: Sabeer Bhatia created and founded Hotmail. Sun Microsystems was founded by Vinod Khosla. The Intel Pentium processor, that runs 90 percent of all computers, was fathered by Vinod Dham. Rajiv Gupta co-invented Hewlett Packard's E-speak project. Four out often Silicon Valley start-ups are run by Indians. Bollywood produces 800 movies per year and six Indian ladies have won Miss Universe/Miss World titles over the past 10 years.
For the record: Azim Premji, the richest Muslim entrepreneur on the face of the planet, was born in Bombay and now lives in Bangalore.India now has more than three dozen billionaires; Pakistan has none (not a single dollar billionaire) .
The other amazing aspect is the rapid pace at which India is creating wealth. In 2002, Dhirubhai Ambani, Mukesh and Anil Ambani's father, left his two sons a fortune worth $2.8 billion. In 2007, their combined wealth stood at $94 billion. On 29 October 2007, as a result of the stock market rally and the appreciation of the Indian rupee, Mukesh became the richest person in the world, with net worth climbing to US$63.2 billion (Bill Gates, the richest American, stands at around $56 billion).
Indians and Pakistanis have the same Y-chromosome haplogroup. We have the same genetic sequence and the same genetic marker (namely: M124).
We have the same DNA molecule, the same DNA sequence. Our culture, our traditions and our cuisine are all the same. We watch the same movies and sing the same songs. What is it that Indians have and we don't?
And also to mention: They think of Construction of own nation, unlike nations who r just concerned with destruction of others...
Lost Atms debit card
Today I have attended the police station saket and lodged the FIR regarding loss of my money through fraudulent use of my above card with heavy heart and I have left any thing on GOD .But I am not happy till my lost money is recovered.God only can help.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Another atm dabit card lost HDFC
Counting on the loss in terms of money I found that my another debit card is with me but some body has emptied my saving account and loss is of Rs 13500/It is material loss but the fact remains that some body has given great shock as we have done so much for the person whom we doubt and he is missing and he is not able to face us.I am thinking again and again whether we should lodge a F I R to the police .But if the person is the same we are thinking then he along with his family will be ruined .But if we dont report to police we will remain in doubtas to who has done.But this has shaken our faith .We hope that report should be otherwise.Let us see what happens and what is written in our fate.?
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Lost the atm and lic policy a great shock
As I was pondering that how much I have lost in life as per our fault and also due to fault of others and that of technology the result is tension.From the beginning if I have to start that what I have lost it will be a great list and it is better to forget the past and try to be on safe gaurd at present and future.
Before partition in 1947 .....I lost our house in Kohat where I used to enjoy my child hood then I moved to Tobatek Singh town at Nanas place when partition took place and were kept hostage along with my mother and 4 sisters .Then moved to India in refugee camp in Patiala.At that time we thinking that we had lost our father and two elder brothers and after some time we got the news tha they were safe and we met at Agra after hectic efforts for the Reunion.In 1948 we lost our eldest sister who suffered a malarial fever .In these years I lost all the education and some of URDU langauge in pre partition time.Started again in some Hindi school at Agra from !948 and shifted To Delhi in !948-1949 Our father lost some money when his pocket was picked at Delhi Station .Used to learn and make cartons which became our family business.Lost so many happy ocassions and was much grieved when I lost my sister ,mother ,elder brother ,and father to whom I pay my heart felt Shrandajali.Some of the material loss is also pinching as recently I lost the Lic policy of Shashi which I remember that orignal bond was not returned by the LIC branch Meerut and I have to run for submitting the I bond on 16 th march 2010 I was shocked that Rs 25000/ have been withdrawn from my Debit Card of Standard chartered Bank Saket.New DELHI.I have given the complaint to the bank but they say that it will take 12 days to find out who has taken the money .The fact is this I have not used my ATM and The ATM is with me still and I keep it in my lock and key.I have not changed the pin also as yet.The result is tension and I am waiting and watching.I am also trying to forget one house which I have lost and the case is pending in High court .The strange thing in this case is that the person who made my signatures and sold it to some one are enjoying and even won the case in lower court after 13 years and now it is in appeal in High court since 3 years.So Now I am of the view that life is great struggle and it is not the bed of roses.One should depend on THE ALIGHTY and leave all our troubles to Him and HE is the only saviour and we we shall get peace .
Before partition in 1947 .....I lost our house in Kohat where I used to enjoy my child hood then I moved to Tobatek Singh town at Nanas place when partition took place and were kept hostage along with my mother and 4 sisters .Then moved to India in refugee camp in Patiala.At that time we thinking that we had lost our father and two elder brothers and after some time we got the news tha they were safe and we met at Agra after hectic efforts for the Reunion.In 1948 we lost our eldest sister who suffered a malarial fever .In these years I lost all the education and some of URDU langauge in pre partition time.Started again in some Hindi school at Agra from !948 and shifted To Delhi in !948-1949 Our father lost some money when his pocket was picked at Delhi Station .Used to learn and make cartons which became our family business.Lost so many happy ocassions and was much grieved when I lost my sister ,mother ,elder brother ,and father to whom I pay my heart felt Shrandajali.Some of the material loss is also pinching as recently I lost the Lic policy of Shashi which I remember that orignal bond was not returned by the LIC branch Meerut and I have to run for submitting the I bond on 16 th march 2010 I was shocked that Rs 25000/ have been withdrawn from my Debit Card of Standard chartered Bank Saket.New DELHI.I have given the complaint to the bank but they say that it will take 12 days to find out who has taken the money .The fact is this I have not used my ATM and The ATM is with me still and I keep it in my lock and key.I have not changed the pin also as yet.The result is tension and I am waiting and watching.I am also trying to forget one house which I have lost and the case is pending in High court .The strange thing in this case is that the person who made my signatures and sold it to some one are enjoying and even won the case in lower court after 13 years and now it is in appeal in High court since 3 years.So Now I am of the view that life is great struggle and it is not the bed of roses.One should depend on THE ALIGHTY and leave all our troubles to Him and HE is the only saviour and we we shall get peace .
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Partitions Woes
During partition of India we have seen so much crulities and those cruelities are difficult to erase from our minds.As I had talked to so many it was revealed that it was like a Har Ghar Ki Kahani.the brulities of those days loom large at the faces of the then public who migrated to India.Some have lost their beloved kith and kins .Some of those families who left some of their relatives in Pakistan remained in horrible condions and as the time passed on some were expired and there was no one to tell their slow deaths on account shocks of historical blunders of those days.Sanjha chula of Hindhus and Mulims became the thing of past and so many innocent people died.
Our 41 st wedding anniversary on 7/3/2010
In continuation of our wedding anniversary we cut the cake and distributed the cake among the guests and some snaps were taken .I enjoyed the function and the most youngest guest was Soni (our daughters son who is 7 years old)and I liked his company the most.We were wondering how happily the 41 years of married life have past and the God was very much kind to us who has showered so many blessings to us and to our children and grand children.We are thankful to all relatives we have sent good wishes to us on this day.So this happy day has passed with happy note and we went to sleep with satisfied frame of mind.Once again we thank to God who is so kind to us and hope that HE will shower HIS blessings in future also.We are specially thankful to Anu,Gaurav ,Soni ,Ashi,montoo,Kitty,Aanyia, and Ahana,who are part of our life as well as to all who remembered us on this memorable day.So thanks to all
Saturday, March 6, 2010
OUR 41 TH WEDDING Anniversary (7 th March,2010)
Oh as usual I thought of our 41th wedding anniversarya day earlier that is at 11.55 pm and exactly at 12.00 mid night my cell phone started ringing and we got the sublime pleasure when our son and daughter in law and the kids wished us happy wedding anniversary.We reciprocated them with same wormth and zeal.We talked about their welfare at length We shall again write some our feelings and happiness after concluding the events on 7 th March 2010.(SUNDAY)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Strange pain on the right hand of Shashi (my wife)
Today when I was away just to offer our sharandjali on the 24 th death anniversary of our respected mother (Bhabhi as we usually call during our childhood )and on my return I found Shashi in tears and she was crying out of immence pain on the right hand near elbow.I immediately gave the warm bottle to her for hot massage and gave some pain killer medicine.This instance is being second time.she got relief .In the evennig again she felt shooting pain on the same spot.I again applied some pain relief ointment named VOLINI(Ranbaxy).Now I am in a fix what to do and what is the permanent cure ? No body knows even the doctors say that as this a long case of some sort of bone TB and callus formation is stopped and the fractured joint has been screwd by the help of plate.Doctors say that if we operate then there is less space near elbow the joint may become immobile and the movements will become difficult.The x ray shows that some of the screws have become loose.I am also suffering from pain because some bowl has erupted near neck and I am taking medicine and it will be cured very soon.
Remembering our respected mother on 24 th death anniversary
Remembrances of my mother on the death anniversary ( 24 th Death anniversary)
On 7th february every year I along with my wife have made up routine to wke up in the morning and just take bath and sometimes she prepares prasad with her own hands and asks me to go to the temple to offer the same to THE GOD ALMIGHTY and we are disdributing some fruits and Halwa and puries to the poor people near temple.But as the time passes away and the life in Delhi is very fast we vare justt going to temple and offer prasad of fruits sweets milk and boondi Ladoo and burfi etc and some donation to the temple.On this we feel just our mother is just sitting next to us and guiding us from heaven.We have seen that that our mother was such a pious soul that she predicted her death and before death she took out all the jewllery and handed it over to our father that he should tkae care of the ornaments because tomorrow there would be great rush and that he might misplace the same.Such was our mother and we pay a tearful rememberences and pray to GOD that HE should give peace to the departed soul under HIS devine feet.This is our Sharandjali
On 7th february every year I along with my wife have made up routine to wke up in the morning and just take bath and sometimes she prepares prasad with her own hands and asks me to go to the temple to offer the same to THE GOD ALMIGHTY and we are disdributing some fruits and Halwa and puries to the poor people near temple.But as the time passes away and the life in Delhi is very fast we vare justt going to temple and offer prasad of fruits sweets milk and boondi Ladoo and burfi etc and some donation to the temple.On this we feel just our mother is just sitting next to us and guiding us from heaven.We have seen that that our mother was such a pious soul that she predicted her death and before death she took out all the jewllery and handed it over to our father that he should tkae care of the ornaments because tomorrow there would be great rush and that he might misplace the same.Such was our mother and we pay a tearful rememberences and pray to GOD that HE should give peace to the departed soul under HIS devine feet.This is our Sharandjali
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Our Bauji "s 15 th death anniversary on 22 Jan 2010
As I was sitting and remembering my beloved Father (Bauji ) who had left us to face this world and from that date he is with us in our hearts and his pious soul is always with us.We definitely know that he is resting under the Devine Feet Of The Almighty God and his blessings are with us.We deeply remember him our beloved Bauji every moment with our hearts and give a tearful Shrandjali on his 15 th death anniversary.We all pray to God that his soul may rest in peace
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